Habitat Mooring in the media
June 2014: Jamie Steeves, of J & J Lobster Co. in Rockland, Maine, gives a demonstration of the Habitat Mooring.
April 2012: Steve McMullen, of Bay Services in Sorrento, Maine, gives a demonstration of the Habitat Mooring.
July 28, 2010: Habitat Mooring was featured on Your Bangor News on WVII/WFVX.
Hampden firm pokes holes in traditional boat mooring,
leaving room for lobsters, crabs and other sea life
Make Your Own Reef
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Deployed at Maine Maritime Academy
In September, 2014, the Maine Maritime Academy in Castine, Maine deployed a Low Profile HMS 8000 in Castine Harbor. The 8,000 lb. mooring will be used to...
Mooring getting deployed at Seal Harbor town dock
Matt Knox readies Habitat Mooring at low tide, adjacent Seal Harbor Town Dock. At next high tide, he hoisted mooring onto barge Alvah B. for deployment.